- To promote European Cooperation and give young people the opportunity to learn more about other European/International cultures.
- Enhance interest and respect for originality and variety of other cultural, national and religious groups.
- Contribute to the creation of friendly environment for coexistence of diverse identities and ways of living.
- To promote active citizenship and the solidarity between pupils. To improve understanding of being a European citizen. To make them have feeling of belonging to local, national and European society and realize their identities. They will realize the differences and similarities between other European countries.
- They will experience to take a part and work in a democratic environment.
- To promote intercultural learning as a tool for motivating the pupils to act positively in developing their futures.
- To develop links between Turkey and the rest of Europe.
- To develop a mechanism that will create a permanent activity of exchange of experiences, with intercultural learning and understanding as permanent base.
- The pupils will improve a foreign language competence. The activities to be presented, common communication language being English and recognizing other languages will help them develop their English skills
- The pupils will contact each other to take detailed information about partners’ culture. According to these values, they will recognize how social and cultural activities important on improving their education. They will able to compare the traditions,nature beauties, architectural arts, music, crafts, gastronomy, legends, elements of civilization specific to every country.
- This student focused project will give the chance to improve themselves and their methods to teachers. During the project, the pupils from different countries will work together, the teachers will encourage the pupils to communicate one with each other, they will educate the pupils to be tolerant, will promote the dialogue between nations, religions, traditions and people.
- To establish good communication between partners and common activities.
- The experiences will be get from this project will help pupils improve their education, understand culture of Europe Union, to be a honest, willing to help society, good characterized, a constructive, self-confident, and prepared to take responsibility, creative person.