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Comenius Project 2009-2011


Poland (May 2011)

Our meetings have finished.Poland was the last one. An unforgettable week with our partners from Poland, Turkey, Italy and Spain. Here you can see some pictures of our meeting in Poland.


Day 3 - Visiting Checiny (25th May)

The day started with a hard way up to visit the castle.
Here you can see all the teachers with the Polish Guide


Some pictures of Checiny´s Castle, it is the emblem of the city

Inside the castle we could see some medieval performances, practice archery...

Panoramic views of the city from the Castle.

Second World War monument.
All Polish people have very bad feeling in their lifes,
and they always remember that bad history chapter in their lifes.

John Paul II and Religious places in Poland are very common in the whole country.
Poland is a very religious country

In the afternoon we visited Jaskinia Raj (Paradise Cave)
One of the most beautiful caves in Poland.

Turkish school Headmaster with Spanish school Comenius Coordinator in the bus

Recreation of Prehistoric situations in the cave

Some pictures of the cave.
The stalagtites and stalagmites are made of calcium and iron.


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