Our meetings have finished.Poland was the last one. An unforgettable week with our partners from Poland, Turkey, Italy and Spain. Here you can see some pictures of our meeting in Poland.
Day 5 - A visit to Auswicthz.
Nazi concentration camp (27th May)
Of course, this was the saddest visit in our trip and it helped us to reflect about this horrible chapter of our most recent history.
An impresive fact that we could experienced is that there were around 1500 people visiting the camp and there was
and amazing silence everywhere.
Around 1.300.000 peopled died in this Concentration camp.
It was declared Heritage of the humanity by UNESCO in 1979.
Pictures of Auswicthz I
An original photoghaph of Jews people arriving at Auswicthz.
Identification numbers of prisoners tattoed in their skin.
Some photos os Auswicthz prisoners.
MainThousands of shoes belonging to people
who arrived to the camp.
This was a wall of execution, where thousands
of people were killed.
Gas Chamber and the entrance to the crematory building.
There were three different Auswichtz concentration camps.
Nowadays you can visit Auswitchtz I and Auswichtz II.